Monday, September 12, 2011

Draw Night Assignment

Hello again everyone.  I thought I would whip up a little assignment before we get back together for this weeks draw night.  This assignment is voluntarily, but strongly encouraged.

It is time to stretch our story telling skills both in word and the brush.

Come up with a 1 to 5 minute short story.  (Using basic story structure.  Beginning with a problem that builds up to a climax, and then ends with a solution).  Type it out, so others can read it.

And for the art part of it.

Create as many illustrations, of any point of your story, as you want. (You could do a storyboard or a comic if you want to spend the time :) .

Then the last part of the assignment it to show it at draw night.  And, if you want, be critiqued.

I hope that some of you will be interested in the assignment.  In my personal ventures I have found it useful to come up with a story for my art.  Not just to have it to tell other people, but as a self motivator.  It helps bring purpose to your art.

Any questions or suggestions are appreciated.

We will post this weeks draw night later on this week.
Have fun and see you on Thursday.

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